CMCUC Church Urgent Response
(July 12, 2021)
在 2021年7月11日 (剛過去的星期三) ,教會堂董會正式通過, 假若疫情沒有發生特別嚴重的變化, 教會建築物按照計劃2021年8月8日局部重開。
  • 目前重開部分只限中文堂主日崇拜為主,英文堂崇拜及大部份教會團契及小組活動仍然以網上進行為主,直至今年年底後再作安排。
  • 成立12人監察委員會 ,督導及協助中文堂崇拜聚會前、 崇拜中及崇拜後離開的安排,以確保同道在一個安全的環境中敬拜。
  • 第一次(2021年8月8日)預備回教會參加主日的同道,需要早45分鐘到達敎會,須要按照BC省衛生局規定, 在參加崇拜前需要量體温、手部消毒、登記及簽名等程序
  • 每位教友參加崇拜要帶兩樣東西: 自己的口罩及自己帶筆用來簽同意書
  • 若知道有需要特別協助的同道會參加主日崇拜,請家人/同道自己在崇拜前幾天先與高一峰牧師或教會行政助理Tony聯絡,方便分配人手,及商討可行性。
  • 教會重開,暫定聚會人數不超過50人,若崇拜參加者超過50人,會即時安排較年輕的參與者,前往教會其他房間,用參與直播的形式繼續崇拜。
  • 教會盡一切力量保障每一位參加教會聚會的同道,都有一個安全的環境聚會, 但由於疫情不在教會的保險賠償範圍內, 在疫情期間 ,每一位參加教會聚會的同道都需要在免責同意書上簽名, 免責同意書的內容刊登在下面。
  • 所有決定,以教會最新公佈為準,謝謝各弟兄姊妹配合。
On July 11, 2021, the church’s board of directors officially approved that if there is no particularly serious change in the epidemic, the church buildings will be partially re-opened on August 8, 2021 as planned.
  • At present, the re-opening part is mainly limited to Chinese church worship on Sundays. English church worship and most church fellowship and group activities are still conducted online, and review will be made after the end of this year.
  • A 12-person supervision team is established to supervise and assist the 11:30am worship arrangements for  before, during and after the worship service to ensure that the members join the worship in a safe environment.
  • For the first day  (August 8, 2021) return to the church to join the Worship on Sunday. You will expect 45 minutes to enter the sanctuary. According to the regulations of the B.C. Department of Health, the body temperature screen, hand santize, registration and signature on consent form are required before attending the worship service.
  • Each member must bring two things to participate in worship: your own mask and your own pen to sign the consent form.
  • If you know that there is members that needs special assistance to participate in Sunday worship, please contact Rev. Everest Kao or church assistant administrator Tony a few days earlier by your family/colleagues to facilitate the allocation of manpower and discuss the feasibility.
  • If the church is re-opened, the tentative number of participants attending meetings will not exceed 50. If there are more than 50 people, younger participants will be immediately arranged to go to the Dogwood room in the lower hall of the church to continue the worship by participating in a real time live broadcast.
  • The church does everything in its power to ensure that every member attending to Church Sunday worship has a safe environment for gathering, but because the epidemic is not covered by the church’s insurance compensation, during the epidemic, every member attending our church meeting needs to be exempted from responsibility. The letter and the content of the disclaimer will be published on the church website below in both Chinese and English.
  • All decisions are subject to the latest announcement by the church board. Thank you brothers and sisters for your cooperation.